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2 beautiful cats (female) are seeking a safe and loving home

Tierinserat 40613225.07.2024Bauernhof-/Hauskatzen
2 beautiful cats (female) are seeking a safe and loving home
Meet Nastya (white-gray, female) - she possesses a gentle and reserved nature, a touch shy at first, yet quick to nestle and purr in the warmth of human hands. At approximately 6 years old, she's in good health and ready to find her forever family.

Then there's Bubu (tabby, female) - a playful and spirited soul, brimming with curiosity and an endearing innocence. Rescued from the streets at just 3 months old after enduring extensive injuries, including the removal of one kidney, she requires a special diet to thrive. Despite her past, Bubu exudes affection and charm, making her a delightful companion. The cat is now 3 years old and yearns for a home filled with love and security.

Both beautiful cats have been spayed, microchipped, and received all necessary vaccinations. Additionally, they are fully prepared for travel within the EU with all required documents. My cats and I were rescued two years ago from the war in the Ukrainian Mariupol. These animals experienced a lot of suffering in their lives. I can’t give them a safe home and the comfort they need right now. My greatest desire is to ensure they find a safe and nurturing environment where they can flourish.

If you can offer a loving home filled with compassionate hearts, along with the necessary resources for their care, I am willing to transport them to you wherever you may be. Your kindness and generosity will provide these resilient souls with the second chance they truly deserve. It is my wish that all living beings live in peace and quiet.
Contact me via Whatsapp, Telegram, or Viber at +380502549876 to learn more about Nastya and Bubu, and how you can make a difference in their lives.
Bild 1: 2 beautiful cats (female) are seeking a safe and loving home
Bild 2: 2 beautiful cats (female) are seeking a safe and loving home
Bild 3: 2 beautiful cats (female) are seeking a safe and loving home

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